
System Upgrade

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Track My Money Personal Financial Management Platform

New Business Online Banking System

New Mobile Banking Features


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User Guides


Personal Banking Guide                                         Business Banking Guide      

Upgrade Videos

Click the upgrade videos link to view the entire playlist.


Charter Bank

Q: What changes is Charter Bank undergoing?

A: Charter Bank is changing our system to give you the latest technology and services available. We are still the same bank that has been connected to the Johnston, Grimes, Waukee, and Ankeny communities for years.


Q: What will my new login information be?

A: To log into online banking for the first time, your username will remain the same and your password information has been sent to you in an email on September 18th and via letter sent in mid-September.


Q: Will my account number(s) change?

A: Your deposit account numbers will remain the same.  If you have a loan with Charter Bank, that number will change. So, if you have any automatic payments set up outside of Charter Bank to make your loan payment, those should be updated with the new loan number, once that is assigned after the system upgrade.

Q: Can I still use my current checks after the system upgrade?

A: Yes, our routing number and your checking account numbers will remain the same.

Q: Will the nicknames that I have assigned to my accounts transfer over?

A: No, any nicknames that you have set in your current account will not transfer. We recommend that you write down your account number along with the previous nickname so you can change it after the upgrade. Click here for instructions on how to rename your accounts after the upgrade.

Click the Debit Card/ATMs link for information regarding your new contactless debit card.

Q: What if I did not receive my new debit card or have misplaced it?

A: Please call or visit your local branch to discuss what options we have, which may include providing you with an instant issue card.

Q: What phone number should I call to activate my new debit card?

A: On Thursday, October 10th, you should call (877) 965-3344 to activate your card and set your new PIN.

Q: Will I be able to add my new debit card to my digital wallet?

A: Yes, your new card is able to be placed in your digital wallet.  We are aware of an issue with Google that is not allowing them to be validated and are working to resolve that soon.  If you are adding your card to your Apple Wallet you may need to call the bank to have that validated before it is able to work.


Q: Will I have access to me e-Statement history after the upgrade?

A: Yes, you will have access to your e-Statement history after the upgrade, however it will take a few weeks for it to transfer. We recommend that you download and print a year’s worth of your e-Statment history.

Q: How will I get my last statement before the upgrade?

A: On October 11th, we will mail everyone their last statement before the upgrade.